AquaShield™ Integrated Product Solutions
AquaShield™ offers high quality integrated product solutions to solve your green infrastructure development needs. With the expanding demand to implement green infrastructure and Low Impact Development (LID) practices, innovative site development designs are rapidly emerging.
Incorporating technically feasible and cost-effective stormwater management practices into these challenging design strategies requires an understanding of the LID technology selection framework. Regulatory agencies commonly follow a technology selection process. If the most preferred technology cannot be installed due to limiting site conditions or intended land use, then the next technology option is considered, and so on, until the appropriate site-specific technology(s) can be implemented. The fundamental goal of an LID design is to mimic pre-development hydrology by not creating runoff and allowing on-site stormwater to infiltrate to the ground. That is, stormwater is treated as an assessment instead of a liability through the use of integrated management practices (IMPs) across the site. An LID technology pyramid depicts the technology selection process. Starting at the top, both surface and subsurface infiltration practices can be considered if the intended land use will allow their implementation. AquaShield™ offers drivable grass (permeable pavers) and modular underground StormTank™ structures to meet the runoff reduction goals of LID. Next, rainwater harvesting may be a design option depending on the intended use of the property and whether local guidelines allow its use. Harvesting can involve the use of underground or above ground structures to retain the captured water. AquaShield™ offers several component system options to assist with your rainwater harvesting design.
Biofiltration designs can straddle the line between their ability to provide runoff reduction as well as a high level of water quality treatment. The use of modular "tree box" bio-filter systems are gaining greater acceptance by providing a green infrastructure alternative to larger scale, land based "greenscape" practices. The use of hydrodynamic separators (Aqua-Swirl™) and media filtration systems (Aqua-Filter™) can likewise be incorporated into a green infrastructure development plan. For example, these devices can be used as part of a treatment train approach by providing pretreatment for subsurface infiltration, rainwater harvesting systems, detention, or other water storage and conservation practices. |
Below are the integrated solutions that can adapted to your site-specific needs. Contact your local agent to learn how these products can be used as a single treatment solution; or, how to implement an integrated and sustainable use system for your design plans.