Routine maintenance of the self priming trash pump and the pretreatment assembly can be performed as determined by site and operational conditions. It will be necessary to periodically remove material that has accumulated in the pretreatment assembly to ensure proper flow conditions for efficient treatment.
Both cross-flow sand filters are self-cleaning through the use of backwash cycles. The filter assembly includes an automated control panel and associated switches, valves, strainers and tubing. Backwash cycles are automatically triggered by pressure differentials resulting from particle accumulation within the filters. It is not necessary to manually initiate backwash cycles. The filter assembly is designed to provide long term treatment capabilities with minimal downtime. The system should be checked periodically while operating to ensure proper performance and to avoid potential damage if a component has malfunctioned.
AquaShield™ will perform any necessary system repairs beyond that of routine component cleaning and adjustments as warranted in accordance with the project’s Rental Agreement.